
Example 1:

In this example we limit our users with maximal 3 number of files, all files together must have maximal 3MB's and the file's extensions should be matched in the array(ex: ['jpg', 'png', 'gif']). We are also changig the file input to jQuery.filer default design. We also need to show the file preview in our browser before uploading the file.


Example 2:

In this example we designed our own file input and used our own theme - 'dragdropbox'. We also added the file preview in our browser before uploading the file.


Example 3:

If you want to have an input like in Example 1 and also to allow your users to upload files from different folders just set addMore option to true

addMore: true

Example 4:

In this example we activated Drag&Drop feature for the default jQuery.filer input. Note that this feature is working only with Instantly Upload feature!


Example 5:

In this example we activated Instantly Upload feature. After choosing a file, it should automatically upload it!


Example 6:

In this example we activated addMore option and added 2 files(this files were already uploaded). Now you can edit the 2 uploaded files or add some more.


适用浏览器:360、FireFox、Chrome、Safari、Opera、傲游、搜狗、世界之窗. 不支持IE8及以下浏览器。
